Newsletters for earlier years: 2004 2009 2010 2011 2012  2013 2014




December 2015  December 2015 Lulav Norman Crane on Chanukah in a small community, report of Mitzvah Day, reports of public surveys, Yachad's on British Jewish attitudes to Israel, and the findings of the Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life
November 2015  November 2015 Lulav Norman Crane on David Cesarani, Mitzvah Day for Fresh Start, Kol Nidre Appeal: guest article from the director of LINKnet Mentoring, Plans for Interfaith Week
October 2015  October 2015 Lulav Cheder's Tzedakah boxes, Tashlich photo, EIFA Peace Walk report, plans for Mitzvah Day, how to help refugees, Kol Nidre Appeal, World Justice Festival, Rabbis from Tzelem in Downing St
September 2015  September 2015 Lulav Emergency fundraising for Syria, Charities for the Kol Nidre Appeal, Micha's film and Lauren's octopus, Paintbrushes to the Granite City, EIFA Peace Walk information, Report of meeting with the First Minister
August 2015  August 2015 Lulav Shabbat in Dundee, Profile of Marianne Lazlo and review of Gathering the Voices, Interfaith Walk for Peace, Wendy Crane's Text to Travel with
July 2015  July 2015 Lulav Bromsgrove Shabbat, The iron Wall and the Shifting Sands, Sukkat Shalom at Pride Edinburgh, BBQ Photo Album
June 2015  June 2015 Lulav An Edinburgh Shavuot, Remembering Ruzena, Interfaith diary dates, This year in Havana, Volunteers looking for school placements
May 2015   New learning opportunity, LINKnet Mentoring, Sam's Famous Cheesecake, Report from the Challah Bake, From Barley to Wheat, Arrangements for Shavuot (Discussion paper on Aleinu for Tikkun Leil Shavuot is now available for download.)
April 2015   Introducing the new Care Team, ELJC signs up to JCORE's Interfaith Manifesto, Seder photos, John McArdle at the Beyond UKIP Cabaret, Righteous Muslims Exhibition in Edinburgh, D'var Torah for Shabbat Vayakhel-­Pekudei
March 2015   AGM report, Plans for Purim and Pesach, Post-Pesach Challah baking, Combating Islamophobia, Clara Warshow's presentation at Holocaust Memorial Day event, D'var Torah for Shabbat Mishpatim
February 2015   AGM notice, Community Consultation update, Burns Night Ceilidh report, Report on Ela Weissberger's presentation at Holocaust Memorial Day event
January 2015   Cheder Chanukah Party, Consultation Launch, Holocaust Memorial Day, Burns Night and Kinship Advice and Advocacy Provision