The Lit: January 12th Book Event with Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg

Sunday 12th January, 7:30pm
In-person event, Edinburgh

Rabbi Wittenberg’s recent book, Listening for God in Torah and Creation taps into the wisdom of one the world’s ancient religions by meditating on contemporary, spiritual, social and ethical insights to the Torah. Rooted in decades of devoted immersion in Jewish learning, humanist literature, concern for people at all ages and stages of life, environmental activism and a love of nature, Rabbi Wittenberg offers wisdom relevant to spiritual seekers of all and no faiths. Rabbi Wittenberg will introduce his approach to the key issues considered in this book, such as: compassion and kindness; creation and wonder; emotional struggles; environment and our relationship to nature; ethical challenges; illness and suffering; identity and community; justice and social justice; refugees and strangers; remorse and repentance; responsibility; searching for meaning; seeking God.

Jonathan Wittenberg was born in Glasgow in 1957. He trained for the rabbinate at Leo Baeck College London, receiving ordination in 1987. Since then he has worked as rabbi of the New North London Synagogue and has taken a leading role in the development of the Masorti Movement for traditional non-fundamentalist Judaism in England. In 2008 he was appointed Senior Rabbi of Masorti Judaism in the UK.

Go here for more information on the Lit’s 5785/2024-25 programme.