Sukkat Shalom Tu B’Shvat Service and Seder with Rabbi Robyn Ashworth-Steen 🌳🌲🌳

Tu B’Shvat (or Tu B’Shevat) is the Jewish new year of trees.

We’ll be celebrating in Edinburgh on Friday 14th February with Sukkat Shalom’s Tu B’Shvat Seder, a communal supper, at 6:30pm at St. Mark’s. Please bring a dish suitable for sharing. Dishes should not include meat or non-kosher seafood and any nut-based dishes should be clearly labelled. You are also welcome to contact us by replying to this email if you’d like to provide relevant fruit or to help organise the seder.

Saturday 15th February will see a Shabbat Morning Service at 11am at Christ Church Morningside. Please note the change from our usual venue.

These special holiday events will be led by visiting rabbi, Rabbi Robyn Ashworth-Steen. Rabbi Robyn writes:

“I’m very much looking forward to joining you for the Tu Bishvat Seder and Shabbat morning service. I married into a Glaswegian family so Scotland has always felt like home! I and my family (Anthony and son Gabriel) are looking forward to our visit and getting to know your community.”

Rabbi Robyn is currently studying for a PhD in Rabbinic Leadership and Biblical Studies with the University of Leeds. Robyn worked as a Human Rights lawyer and then began training for the rabbinate at Leo Baeck College. Upon ordination she worked as Manchester’s first female rabbi for a number of years. Robyn is interested in creating safe, anti-oppressive, relational, textured, activist communities built by individuals who are enabled to step into their own power and collectively organise for a more just world.

Rabbi Robyn often appears in UK media and is a contributor to Pause for Thought. Her blog is at, she co-presents the podcast Rabbiting On, and can also be found on Bluesky.