Sukkat Shalom parent and community volunteers organise and teach cheder sessions for the community’s children. The sessions each have a theme of either a Jewish holiday, tradition or value and include stories, games, crafts, songs and discussions alongside Hebrew letters and writing options as part of the crafts and games. Older students study Hebrew with targeted reading and writing, including workbooks and Hebrew conversation.
Cheder is available for the children of Sukkat Shalom members between roughly 3-12 (pre-school through P7) and meets bi-weekly on Saturday mornings from 10:30-1pm, with dates scheduled each year around Edinburgh school and Jewish holidays. When the sessions are on the same week as an in-person service, the children spend some time in the services as part of their learning.
From age 12, those children intending on a Bar or Bat Mitzvah are asked to attend services regularly, and can then join the post-cheder social group for 12+. This group meets occasionally for social activities.
If you are interested in speaking to the cheder organisers, or would like further information, please contact and one of the Chairs will get back to you.