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Annual General Meeting (AGM)

February 23 @ 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Our 2025 AGM will be held on Sunday 23rd February 2025 at 3pm at St. Mark’s Unitarian Church, 7 Castle Terrace Edinburgh EH1 2DP.
The papers for the AGM can be seen here and paper copies will be available at the meeting.

After the meeting we will have tea, coffee and cakes, and an opportunity to discuss the proposed formation of the new Progressive Judaism movement. We are hoping to be joined by Rabbi Charley Baginsky and/or Rabbi Josh Levy on Zoom, but we will confirm this nearer the time. If one or both of them are able to join us, the Zoom broadcast will be available to all members, i.e., both those at the AGM and those not at the AGM.
While nominations for any of the positions (Executive officers and Council members) can be made by full members on the day, it would help the flow of the meeting if nominations were made in advance. If if you are interested in standing for any of these positions and would like to discuss any aspect of them, please get in touch with any of the co-Chairs beforehand (either in person or by emailing chair@eljc.org). Similarly it would help the flow of the AGM if AoB items were notified in advance.

All existing Council members have read and agreed to our expectations of council members, and our charter of values, and it is expected that any new Council members will similarly read and agree to these. Existing members of Council have written short personal statements and anyone wishing to stand for Council may also wish to write such a statement, which can be read out at the AGM.


February 23
3:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Event Category:


St. Mark’s