
Sukkat Shalom, Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community, was founded in March 2004 and we became affiliated to Liberal Judaism in September 2004. As described on its website, Liberal Judaism is an authentic and modern form of Judaism, rooted in a deep and meaningful engagement with Jewish texts, values, culture and history. We are proud to be part of the Liberal Judaism movement.

As of 2024 we have 148 adult members, 25 associate members and 62 children. We hold regular erev Shabbat and Shabbat services, we have discussion groups, a cheder (religion school) and an Exploring Judaism class for those wishing to learn more about Judaism, often with a view to conversion.

We are exceedingly fortunate to have Rabbi Mark Solomon as our Rabbi. Rabbi Mark lives in London and under normal circumstances visits us once a month. In addition to serving as our part-time Rabbi, Mark is also the Rabbi for the Leicester Liberal Jewish Community, is the Liberal Judaism Interfaith consultant and lectures at the Leo Baeck College, the Rabbinic training college for Progressive Jewish Rabbis.

We are always looking to involve more of our members in the running of our community. Members of Council (our governing body) are aware that it can sometimes feel daunting to volunteer to help. Please do so! The more of us who are involved, the better for all of us, as individual members and for the overall health of our community. As Rabbi Tarfon said, “You are not required to complete the task, but neither are you at liberty to abstain from it”.

For more current information please consult our Community Information Booklet.