Newsletter Archive


November/December 2022
Rabbi’s Rosh Hashanah message, reviews of books and programs, a Jewish grave in Tiree

September/October 2022
New babies, same-sex commitments, book review

July/August 2022
Edinburgh Festivals, Liberal Jews for Justice in Israel-Palestine

May/June 2022
Purim, Pesach, Glasgow Artist Marianne Grant

March/April 2022
Reflections on war in Ukraine and profiles of new Council and new members

January/February 2022
Channukah pictures, Avrom Sutkzkever poems, Trip to Poznan


November/December 2021
Where now after lockdown?

September/October 2021
EcoSynagogue, Kol Nidrei Charities, Jewish Archives Centre

July/August 2021
Three stories from the Netherlands and remembering Srebrenica

May/June 2021
Chances to get involved and join socials

March/April 2021
New Council members, remembering Mike Valencia

January/February 2021
New admissions to Judaism, new members, amazing menorahs and the midges Midrash


November/December 2020
Sukkot, Budapest

September/October 2020
Uyghurs, food

July/August 2020
Black Lives Matter, lockdown diaries

May/June 2020
Passover by Zoom, Gary Dickson obituary, coronavirus diaries

March/April 2020
New “Sofa” arrangements

January/February 2020
Baby naming for Raffi, Ellen’s mixed marriage poem, Shanghai Jewish Museum


November/December 2019
Reports on High Holydays and Sukkah building

September/October 2019
Chair vacancy, High Holy Day information

July/August 2019
Festival suggestions, closure of Dundee shul

May/June 2019
Rabbi’s comments on California shootings

March/April 2019
Degenerate art discovered in Edinburgh, Tu b’Shevat Haggis recipe

January/February 2019 (missing from archive – please get in touch if you have a copy)
Chanukah Party, Gica in Samos, Jews in Mauritius


November/December 2018
Message to Tree of Life Synagogue, Mitzvah Day volunteering

September/October 2018
Biennial reports, service at Newstead, BBQ

July/August 2018
Welcome to Bernadett and family, Swimming for Hannah and Festival suggestions

May/ June 2018
Yael’s Bat Mitzvah, Yom Hashoah, Rywka’s diary

March/April 2018
Report on Burns supper, Janosz Korczak

January/February 2018
Move to St Marks, book group relaunch, Holocaust Memorial Day, book review, random treasure


November/December 2017
Vision of a Jewish Cultural Centre, Kol Nidre Appeal charities, High Holyday visitors

August/September 2017
Proposals for change in venues, Shavuot seder, festival suggestions

June/July 2017
Security, new taxi service, Elkan Hershon’s Bar Mitzvah Drasha, Year of Song plans, Hans Gal’s Song of the Night opera

April/May 2017
Nick’s first ‘Word from the Chair’, new members Tim and Megan Altman, report on the civic reception and Hannah Holtschneider’s address, Tu b’Shevat, Purim, Faith without Fear book review

February/March 2017
Norman’s last ‘Word from the Chair’, new members Blandine Connor and Gareth Owen, Mitzvah Day report, new Bimah cover, Windows for Peace, Sukkot in Belgrade


November 2016/January 2017
New year wishes, Kol Nidre Charities

September/October 2016
Selichot high holyday requests, refugee support update, etrogim, honey cake recipe

July/August 2016
Jewish dialogue report, Des and Rome Shanko, Wandering Jews Part 1

May/June 2016
The Noachide Laws, Refugee Support, Purimspiel report, Revitalizing Minority Languages book review

March/April 2016
First edition as Etrog

January 2016 (missing from archive – please get in touch if you have a copy)
Last issue as Lulav
Ancient History and contemporary ideas, Goodbye to Lulav, High Holyday planning, a Pearl Wedding, Biggest Chanukah party ever, AGM, Holocaust Memorial Day, Visit of Rabbi Stephen Fuchs


December 2015
Chanukah in a small community, Mitzvah Day, public surveys, Yachad’s on British Jewish attitudes to Israel, and the findings of the Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life

November 2015
David Cesarani, Mitzvah Day for Fresh Start, Kol Nidre Appeal, LINKnet Mentoring, plans for Interfaith Week

October 2015
Cheder’s Tzedakah boxes, Tashlich, EIFA Peace Walk, Mitzvah Day, how to help refugees, Kol Nidre Appeal, World Justice Festival, Rabbis from Tzelem in Downing St

September 2015
Emergency fundraising for Syria, Kol Nidre Appeal, Micha’s film and Lauren’s octopus, Paintbrushes to the Granite City, EIFA Peace Walk information, report of meeting with the First Minister

August 2015
Shabbat in Dundee, Profile of Marianne Lazlo and review of Gathering the Voices, Interfaith Walk for Peace, Wendy Crane’s Text to Travel with

July 2015
Bromsgrove Shabbat, The iron Wall and the Shifting Sands, Sukkat Shalom at Pride Edinburgh, BBQ Photo Album

June 2015
An Edinburgh Shavuot, Remembering Ruzena, Interfaith diary dates, This year in Havana, Volunteers looking for school placements

May 2015
New learning opportunity, LINKnet Mentoring, Sam’s Famous Cheesecake, Report from the Challah Bake, From Barley to Wheat, Arrangements for Shavuot (Discussion paper on Aleinu for Tikkun Leil Shavuot is now available for download.)

April 2015
Introducing the new Care Team, ELJC signs up to JCORE’s Interfaith Manifesto, Seder photos, John McArdle at the Beyond UKIP Cabaret, Righteous Muslims Exhibition in Edinburgh, D’var Torah for Shabbat Vayakhel-­Pekudei

March 2015
AGM report, Plans for Purim and Pesach, Post-Pesach Challah baking, Combating Islamophobia, Clara Warshow’s presentation at Holocaust Memorial Day event, D’var Torah for Shabbat Mishpatim

February 2015
AGM notice, Community Consultation update, Burns Night Ceilidh report, Report on Ela Weissberger’s presentation at Holocaust Memorial Day event

January 2015
Cheder Chanukah Party, Consultation Launch, Holocaust Memorial Day, Burns Night and Kinship Advice and Advocacy Provision


December 2014
Erev Shabbat with Edinburgh Jewish Dialogue, Ceilidh photos, Review of Miriam Vickers’ prints, Next You know how it feels Volunteers’ Meeting, Review of Clive Lawton’s address to the Lit

November 2014
Farewell to Julia and Malcolm, Sukkot Photos, Sue Lieberman’s After Genocide, Report on Gillian Merron’s visit, Interfaith Week programme

October 2014
Word from the Chair: after the Referendum, and our anniversary; the High Holydays, Welcome to new members, The Tree of Life in Aluminium, Ten years: a retrospective, Ark update, Klezmer and Curry

September 2014
Tenth Anniversary Issue Word from the Chair: the arc of Jewish history, Dedication of the Ark, Textiles for the Ark, Eight new members, Cheder expansion, D’var Torah for Parashat Re’eh, Reading Sholem Aleichem in Edinburgh, Interview with Dan Hershon, our new cheder teacher, Dream-makers report from Muslim women’s conference, You know how it feels, report from the Jewish Volunteering meeting, Footnote: about content in Lulav

August 2014
Pitiless in Gaza (Word from the Chair) and Pikuach Nefesh: Jewish Medical Appeal for Gaza, progress on our ark, report on Melrose trip, ScoJeC’s arts projects, Jestival review, report from Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, interview with Rabbi Danny Rich about his book, Israel Mattuck: the Inspirational Voice of Liberal Judaism

July 2014
Cheder party and wedding photos. Ricky’s dvar Torah for Parshat Pinchas, Pride Scotia, Joe Goldblatt citizen and patient,

June 2014
Ark planning, poverty in Scotland and the Edinburgh food bank, Ricky and Jenni report from the Biennial, photos of Lag b’Omer at Vogrie, Rabbi Mark Solomon’s guest sermon at St John’s

May 2014
Voluntary Action Fund and refugee mentoring, funding for a portable ark, Saul and the Universe, art shows and creative writing, Lag B’Omer, Pride Scotia

April 2014
Special report from Chasidikistan, Purim Photo Album, Report on Julia Neuberger’s Lecture on Dying Well, Jeremy Beecham on the Prawer Plan

March 2014
Purim edition, also featuring Judah Passow’s exhibition, Singing with Kavanah, Green Line campaign and Settlement Watch

February 2014
Burns Night Ceilidh in pictures; Equal Marriage passes into law; Stew Green’s D’var Torah – On Walls

January 2014
Religious representation on education committees; Holocaust memorial day plans


December 2013
Chanukah party photos; Jewish Brazil; Equal Marriage approved in Holyrood

November 2013
Day of Dialogue; Kol Nidre Appeal: Rabbis for Human Rights; On being ‘gathered in’; A Liberal Ba’al Tefillah

October 2013
Community celebrations. Lit opening meeting. Kol Nidre Appeal: Cosgrove Care

September 2013
Trip to Abbotsford, Kol Nidrei Appeal: the Jabulani Project, Bar Mitzvah and Cheder News

August 2013
Festival suggestions, Ricky Hogg on Ba’al Tefillah Course, and Holy Land Healing Herbs

July 2013
Reflections on the Israel Human Rights Tour, Blanche Mundy z”l, Jewish Life in Poland, Edinburgh Jewish Dialogue

June 2013
Sophie’s Bat Mitzvah, Israel Human Rights trip

May 2013
Award for Rebekah Gronowski, Alex Guilherme at the Lit, Film Review, Shopping in Granton

April 2013
Jewish action against poverty, book review, Melvin’s trip to Israel

March 2013
Norman’s first chairman’s word, Purim report

February 2013
Chairman’s final word. Gary Dickson on Fanaticism

January 2013
Chanukah party photos. Requests for help from members


December 2012
Limmud report and kugel recipe

November 2012
Premises for Sukkat Shalom? Scottish Jewish Archive Centre

October 2012
Kol Nidre Appeal. Letters and review on Batsheva.

September 2012
Details of BBQ and break-fast meal. Arguments outside the Playhouse.

August 2012
High Holy Day arrangements, Festival fringe suggestions

July 2012
Report on Melrose service and event in Dumfriesshire

June 2012
Wadler/Lyons B’nei Mitzvah; admission of Melissa Wood and Alex Guillherme

May 2012
Report on the Biennial discussions; being iJewish; our Seder

April 2012
Rabbi Mark on the Four Children; Visit to Dundee; Purim pictures

March 2012
AGM report. Article on Krakow Jewish Community Centre

February 2012
AGM proposal to change to SCIO. Film review: Sarah’s Key

January 2012
Being Jewish in Scotland Survey – Israel trip plans


December 2011
Rabbis for Human Rights meeting report, Mitzvah Day poem

November 2011
Kol Nidre Appeal Charities for 5772

October 2011 (missing from archive – please get in touch if you have a copy)
WUPJ statement, arguments about mitzvah day, a Budapest New Year

September 2011
Details of high Holyday arrangements

August 2011
Rohan’s Bar Mitzvah report and Debate on antisemitism in the UCU

July 2011
New Erev Shabbat booklet

June 2011
Physicians for Human Rights Israel

May 2011
First of two articles on Shavuot (2nd in June)

April 2011
Purim 2011

March 2011
Sermon by Imam Halima Krausen

February 2011
Tribute to Debbie Friedman. Reports on Tu b’Shevat seder and Burns night

January 2011
Interfaith service at St Marks and pictures of the Chanukkah party


December 2010
Jewish tartans, francoise writes about the Jewish scene in Sydney

November 2010
Norman Crane’s report of his visit to a Sukkah in Lochgelly

October 2010
Details of charities for our Yom Kippur Appeal. New service and venue arrangements

September 2010
Rabbi Mark Solomon on Rosh Hashanah, article on Israel by Lucian Hudson, volunteering in India

August 2010
Bereaved families forum, cartoon exhibition

July 2010
Rabbi Pete Tobias on the Flotilla Incident, suggestions for Edinburgh Festival shows

June 2010
Maurice Naftalin writes about Ben, induction of Rabbi Mark Solomon, induction addresses by Rabbi Danny Rich and by Rabbi Mark Solomon

May 2010
Shavuot and Megillat Ruth as well as Cheesecake recipes

April 2010
Summary of “Our purpose and values” as recently agreed by the Shul Council

March 2010
Liberal Judaism’s new Haggadah

February 2010
Abraham Suzkever

January 2010
Tu b’Shevat seder article by Rabbi Mark Solomon, Windows for Peace Edinburgh Summer School


December 2009
Cheder report, Mitzvah day report, recipe for Essau’s pottage

November 2009
Stew Green on what Scottish Independence could mean for Jewish Communities

October 2009
Kol Nidre Appeal 5770, message from our newly appointed Rabbi

September 2009
Rosh Hashanah article from Rabbi Mark Solomon, Article on Israel by Lucian Hudson, Article on volunteering in India

August 2009
Ida Skubiejska Obituary, article on living a Jewish life alone by Rebekah Grownovski

July 2009
Chairman reports on Council’s search for premises

June 2009
Hill walk report

May 2009
Pesach report

April 2009
AGM report

March 2009
Chairman Maurice’s last word, Catherine Lyons on making an ethical commitment

February 2009
Danny Rich statement on Gaza

January 2009
Cheder report, Chairman Maurice reports on his Auschwitz visit and on Gaza